We have a soft spot for tarot readers, so we created this private page just for you.
Would you like to add audio readings to your repertoire? Here in the 21st Century, everyone has some kind of digital device for music and podcast listening. That’s why it just makes sense for you to offer clients their readings in audio form.
Did You Know? Professional tarot readers who offer audio versions of their readings command much higher rates, and are perceived by clients as more ‘connected‘ to them. Your investment in audio coaching can put significantly more money in your pocket, while providing your clients a next-level service they will love.
But wait… how do you do that without sounding terrible? Wouldn’t it actually be worse if you send them a reading with bad sound? And what if you don’t like your own voice? What about technology? – what do you need, and where do you even begin?
Fear not! We love tarot readers, and we’ve got you covered. By the way, it’s extremely common for people to hate their own voice, so don’t even think of that as a ‘barrier.’ We can coach you on that, straight on through the whole process of creating great audio recordings, right where you are,. Your clients will enjoy their readings over and over on their iPhones, computers, and other devices.
For a free consultation, please use this private contact form just for tarot readers, and we’ll be in touch to schedule a call or Skype session – no charge. Let’s talk about what audio readings could mean for you and your clients!