
Consulting & Coaching Services

We have two ways to help you. You can come here to our studio in Maryland. During this weird pandemic time, though, this is highly unlikely. Which is a shame, because we have a pool.

Instead, these days we can help you remotely, via phone, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, and email. Let’s look at what we mean by that.

Coaching & Consulting

  • Vocal coaching, to improve your voice, your pacing, and your confidence.
  • Video Coaching, to help you take your movie game from Good to Fantastic.
  • Equipment advice – how to select microphones and accessories.
  • Acoustic coaching – how to soften the sound in a room, reduce “spank,” and make your recordings warmer for that professional feel.
  • Software coaching – which software is best, how to record with it, and how to edit so you can sound your very best.
  • Script coaching – how to produce for time, keep things fresh, and still have fun.
  • Continued follow-up – Ongoing mentoring by experienced sound engineers who will listen and give you specific advice for improvements, as well as technical support.

Podcast & Video Makeover

Whether your podcast and social media videos are new or have been around for years, if you want them to “sing,” we’re here to help. The sad truth is that you can have the best content on the planet, but if you sound bad, look bad, or both, people will back away.

We listen to/watch your show (or show concept), review your script, talk to you about your present physical setup, and then put all of the above tools to work on your behalf. The purpose: to give you your best possible look, feel, and sound. Our goal is to teach you to help yourself look and sound fabulous!