Old Dogs, New Tricks

We love video, audio, and podcast creators!

That’s why we created thatpodcastplace.com

Audio Magic logo

We have been producers of professional sound and video for business & industry since 1988. We love our clients, and enjoy working with them.

For years, we’ve helped our corporate and professional clients create all sorts of recordings, including podcasts & social media videos, Now we’ve decided to open up to the wider creative community. These days, a higher standard of audio-video is required if you really want to succeed. You can read more about that at this link here. We have a great solution: let us help you out!

We’ve been around a lonnnnnng time… but this site is new. We wanted to create something special for the social media and podcasting community. Drop us a line if you have any questions.



  • ** Full disclosure: we’ve actually been in audio recording since the late 1970’s, but we worked for other people then, so we kinda don’t count that. Altogether, our staff engineers have almost 100 years of audio recording experience. So yeah… this is a good place and we’ve got the chops.